The message is translated into L2 by University knower. The learner then repeats University message in L2, addressing it exam another learner with whom she or he wishes exam talk. CLL learners are inspired examination attend exam University overhears they adventure between other rookies and their knowers. The Community Language Learning Method takes its ideas from University more common Counseling Learning strategy. There are some main standards of Community Language Learning Method:2 Any new learning adventure can be threatening. Students feel more secure when they have an idea of what’s going to happen in each exercise. Terman and Merrill, 1937. As occurs with any widely used test of potential or success, out of date items were regarded for additional revision by Terman and Merrill in response to University amassed suggestions and information collected since 1937. Thus, University Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Third Revision, 1960 was published. Several new elements were covered in University third revision as University use of deviation IQ, standardized normative mean of 100 and SD of 16, combination of Form L M while maintaining University most discriminating 142 items from University 1937 revision. After Maud Merrill retired, Robert L. Thorndike of Columbia University was asked examination lead quizzes task exam collect new norms for University third edition. Security; this practical are Organization Behavior”Performance Management” and “People Performance”Performance Management and People”Performance Management” and “People Performance”Management SUMMAYThe goal of this paper is examination discuss and significantly review University Performance Management model by Michael Armstrong and People Performance model by John Purcell. The paper starts with an ample advent and significance of University employee functionality management practices and proceeds by discussing University quite a lot of concepts and strategies that are included by business organizations all over University world. The major focus of University paper is exam discuss University implications of those models for University fulfillment and prosperity of a company. The main body of University paper discusses these models from quizzes essential attitude and explains their major components in detail. The most important recommendations that are advised by Performance Management model come with performance appraisal and comments, education and talents advancement, Management by Objectives MBO, University methods exam manage University low performers, Active Performance Management Proposal: Case Study Evaluating Active Performance Measurement in BeechwoodThe research examines University knowledge possibilities of active performance control in University modern workplace. It first examines University existing literature as quizzes way examination set quizzes foundation for University actual analytic component of University assignment.